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2025 Bet Shira Golf Tournament

Sponsor, golfer, or guest
Indicate how you want to be recognized
Indicate cellphone number and/or email address
  • 8 golfers included
  • Places your corporate logo on the tournament shirt
  • 2 dedicated social media posts
  • Opportunity to include corporate giveaways in the swag bag
  • Places your name and logo prominently on all event materials, including tournament signage, and Bet Shira’s website, emails, and social media

  • 4 golfers included
  • Places your corporate logo on the tournament shirt
  • 1 dedicated social media post
  • Opportunity to host hole-in-one contest
  • Opportunity to include corporate giveaways in the swag bag
  • Places your name and logo on all event materials, including tournament signage, and Bet Shira’s website, emails, and social media

  • 4 golfers included
  • Opportunity to include corporate giveaways in the swag bag
  • Places your name and logo on all event materials, including tournament signage, and Bet Shira’s website, emails, and social media

  • 4 golfers included
  • Places your name and logo on all event materials, including tournament signage, and Bet Shira’s website, emails, and social media

  • 2 golfers included
  • Dedicated signage at lunch tent or awards reception
  • Opportunity to include corporate giveaways in the swag bag
  • Places your name and logo on all event materials, including tournament signage, and Bet Shira’s website, emails, and social media

  • 2 golfers included
  • Dedicated signage at lunch tent or awards reception
  • Opportunity to include corporate giveaways in the swag bag
  • Places your name and logo on all event materials, including tournament signage, and Bet Shira’s website, emails, and social media

  • 2 golfers included
  • Dedicated signage on beverage coolers throughout the course
  • Opportunity to include corporate giveaways in the swag bag
  • Places your name and logo on all event materials, including tournament signage, and Bet Shira’s website, emails, and social media

  • 1 golfer included
  • Dedicated signage at driving range
  • Opportunity to include corporate giveaways in the swag bag
  • Places your name and logo on all event materials, including tournament signage, and Bet Shira’s website, emails, and social media

(choose between longest drive, closest to the pin, or closest to the crooked line)

  • Dedicated signage at the contest location
  • Opportunity to include corporate giveaways in the swag bag
  • Places your name and logo on all event materials, including tournament signage, and Bet Shira’s website, emails, and social media

  • Signage at the tee box of one hole
  • Places your name and logo on all event materials, including tournament signage, and Bet Shira’s website, emails, and social media

If you wish to register additional golfers beyond what your sponsorship allows, select below.
$275 per golf player or $1000 per foursome

For questions or additional information:

Please contact Elyse Hyman at
Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785